Collection: Enjoy our diabetic meals on the NDIS and HCP schemes

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is a system to provide support to Australians living with a disability under the age of 65 as well as their family & carers receive support to build skills, gain independence, and access supports to help them live a normal life.

NDIS participants can now order The Diabetes Kitchen meals with us. You will pay a minimal co-payment (just the cost of ingredients) and your NDIS plan will cover the balance. 

Every NDIS Plan is different, depending on your circumstances. For help and advice regarding the NDIS meal delivery service, please call your NDIS Case Manager/Plan Manager, or visit NDIS here to register. 

Enjoy the convenience of having our delicious, ready-to-heat meals, delivered to your door.

Support Catalogue: 01_022_0120_1_1 - Assistance with Meal Preparation and Delivery.

The way that participant payment is made will depend on how their funds are managed: 

Plan or Agency Managed: We will invoice your Plan Manager or NDIS directly and invoice the participant for their co-payment. Please email us your plan managers details and we'll contact them to set up your account.

Self-Managed: Simply pay up front and you'll receive an invoice from us which you then use to claim up to 70% back from the NDIS or Plan Manager.

For Support Workers: Please email us with your participant's details (NDIS number, DOB, plan start and end dates), and what you would like us to quote. We also need to know who the participant's plan manager is so we can contact them to confirm they will accept and pay invoices.

For Home Care Providers: Please email us with your participant's details, confirming what % of the meals you will pay. 

For HCP clients: Please contact your HCP and ask them if they will subsidise our meals to you. If they do please let us know and we will contact them to set up your account.

Email us for a quote

TELEPHONE US ON 1300 79 89 08 for further help.

Enjoy our diabetic meals on the NDIS and HCP schemes - The Diabetes Kitchen