dieting and diabetes

Dieting with Diabetes

Please enjoy our latest blog written by our great friend and nutritionist Jaz Culinary.

Firstly, dieting is a very grey area in the health world, there are many types of diets recommended from doctors to social media influencers, to family members, all claiming that their diets are the best. However, the only two diets that are proven to work which have been assessed by health professionals are; the Mediterranean diet and the gluten free diet only if you are coeliac. No other diet has been confirmed beneficial by health professionals. Furthermore, some diets such as juice cleanses (like the celery juice craze we saw in 2019) or cutting out food groups can be dangerous for your health as it can cause malnutrition and complications. It is important to speak to your GP if you’re thinking of starting a diet and they can refer you to a dietitian to discuss your options.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but generally, diet companies don’t care about your health, they care about your MONEY! Picture this: you find a quick weight loss diet that you spent $200 on because everyone is doing it, and it works right? You’ve seen the before and after pictures and know that this can be you! You completed the diet, it worked for 4 weeks and now you’re back to where you started, and you feel depleted and like a failure. Well, that’s exactly how dieting companies want you to feel so that you buy their product again and the cycle continues. I’m sure a lot of us, particularly women, have felt this way before and have been in very similar situations. But I am here to tell you, it’s not your fault! If you’re looking to be healthier, speak to a nutritionist or dietitian and they can guide you in the right direction- not towards dieting companies that are after your money!

More importantly, those with diabetes should be even more careful about dieting as their health is more compromised. Moreover, dieting companies treat us as β€œone size fits all” but that’s especially misleading for those with diabetes because all cases are different and need to be treated as individual. It is advised that those with diabetes consume the recommended fruit and vegetable intake, eat foods lower in saturated fat, consume lean meat, and maintain your energy balance. It may be a good idea to obtain a meal plan from a dietitian so that your nutrients needs are met.

In summary, dieting should only be recommended by your GP, nutritionist, or dietitian, especially if you’re diabetic. Steer clear of diets that you find on TV or on social media and aim to maintain a balanced and variety-filled consumption of food that includes lots of fruit and vegetables, adequate protein and carbohydrate sources, and of course, don’t forget to occasionally eat the foods you love!

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