We love reading great blogs and get a lot of information about how other people manage their diabetes whilst going about daily life.
There don't seem to be a lot of T2 blogs but some of our favourite Australian bloggers are Frank, Renza and Nikki.
Frank writes a really interesting blog and talks about how he manages his diabetes. You can read his blog here: (He also wrote a glowing review on our products recently for which we are very grateful).
Renza is a diabetes advocate and also manages her own T1 diabetes. She is funny, informative and honest about her sometimes struggles. You can read her blog here.
Nikki has recently started a fab food blog. She also manages her own T1 diabetes and is a Diabetes Educator. We'll be sharing some of her recipes here on our blog but in the meantime you can read her blog here.
Enjoy the read - we sure do!