How Insulin Works - The Diabetes Kitchen

How Insulin Works

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body. Its primary function is to facilitate the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for later use. Here's how insulin works:

  1. Glucose Regulation: After you eat a meal containing carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream. This causes blood sugar levels to rise.

  2. Pancreatic Response: In response to rising blood sugar levels, specialized cells in the pancreas called beta cells release insulin into the bloodstream.

  3. Cellular Uptake: Insulin acts as a key that unlocks the doors of cells, allowing glucose to enter. Once inside the cells, glucose is either used for immediate energy or stored for future use.

  4. Storage of Excess Glucose: When blood sugar levels are high, insulin signals the liver and muscle cells to store excess glucose in the form of glycogen. This helps lower blood sugar levels and prevents them from rising too high.

  5. Inhibition of Glucose Production: Insulin also inhibits the liver from producing glucose, which helps prevent blood sugar levels from climbing too high between meals.

  6. Regulation of Fat Metabolism: Insulin plays a role in lipid (fat) metabolism by promoting the uptake of fatty acids and their storage as triglycerides in fat cells. It also inhibits the breakdown of stored fat for energy.

  7. Feedback Loop: As blood sugar levels begin to decrease after a meal, insulin secretion decreases. If blood sugar levels drop too low, another hormone called glucagon is released, which signals the liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream to raise blood sugar levels.

In individuals with diabetes, there is either insufficient insulin production (Type 1 diabetes) or the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin (Type 2 diabetes), leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Proper management of diabetes typically involves regulating blood sugar levels through medication, diet, exercise, and, in some cases, insulin therapy to mimic the body's natural insulin response.

When was Insulin Discovered?

Insulin was discovered in the early 1920s through groundbreaking research conducted by Canadian scientists Dr. Frederick Banting, Dr. Charles Best, and their colleagues. The discovery of insulin revolutionized the treatment of diabetes and has since saved millions of lives worldwide.

The key breakthrough occurred in 1921 when Dr. Banting and his assistant, Charles Best, successfully isolated insulin from the pancreatic tissue of dogs. They conducted their experiments at the University of Toronto under the guidance of Professor J.J.R. Macleod. Dr. Banting and Best discovered that injecting this pancreatic extract into diabetic dogs effectively lowered their blood sugar levels, demonstrating the hormone's ability to regulate glucose metabolism.

Following this discovery, further research and refinement of insulin extraction techniques led to the development of a more purified form of insulin suitable for human use. In 1922, insulin was successfully administered to a human patient for the first time, a 14-year-old boy named Leonard Thompson who had severe diabetes. The results were dramatic, with Leonard's condition improving significantly after receiving insulin injections.

The discovery of insulin marked a turning point in the treatment of diabetes, transforming it from a previously fatal disease into a manageable condition. Banting and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1923 for their pioneering work in the discovery of insulin, although controversy arose over who deserved credit for the discovery. Nonetheless, the discovery of insulin remains one of the most significant milestones in medical history.

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