Introducing Formulite Meal Replacements - The Diabetes Kitchen

Introducing Formulite Meal Replacements

Here at the Diabetes Kitchen, we're excited to bring you a new range of meal replacements from Formulite. Available in 5 delicious flavours or a box of 7, you will love the taste, convenience and nutrition in every one.

These 55gm sachets are easy to travel with, or just keep in the pantry and use when you need one.

Ideal for weight loss, and getting extra nutrients into fussy eaters, they are also designed for people managing pre and type 2 diabetes. 

They also have 60% LESS SUGAR than most other brands.

Here's some of their other unique features:

  • High nutrition
  • 24 added vitamins and minerals
  • Good source of protein
  • Low carbs
  • Low sugar
  • Good source of fibre
  • Prebiotics and probiotics
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • Can be used in a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
  • Tastes delicious
  • Convenient Shake & Take one-serve bottles. Take anywhere, drink anytime
  • Gluten free

Whey Protein Concentrate

Our whey protein is made from grass fed cows and packed with Growth factors igf1, tgf1 and tgf2.

Whey protein in clinical trials has been found to help:

  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity
  • Augment muscle protein synthesis
  • Boost production etc
  • Support fat-burning
  • Decrease appetite
  • Improve immunity
  • Bolster intestinal health
  • Prevent blood sugar fluctuations
  • Assist in control of Type II Diabetes

Whey Protein Isolate

  • Low temperature manufactured isolate, so as not to de-nature the protein
  • Cross-flow micro-filtered so that it is high in protein content, plus low in lactose and fat
  • Micro-filtration equals more intact bioactive peptides

Micellar Casein

  • Helps you to stay fuller for longer
  • Derived from cows milk and accounts for approximately 80% of the protein within the milk
  • Slow release protein source to deliver amino acids to the body for up to 12hrs
  • Micellar casein differs from other caseins/caseinates as it exists in its natural form and is more readily digested and assimilated by the body
  • High concentration of leucine (increases protein synthesis, stimulates fatty acid oxidation)
  • Natural thickening agent helps promote a richer, creamier texture and deliciously smooth taste
  • Anti-catabolic benefits and not de-natured during processing

NOTE: Micellar Casein is NOT Calcium Caseinate, which is processed very cheaply. Processing with extreme heat renders the caseinate an ultra-thermolised protein, drenched with MSG.


Fibre continues to be one of the most recognised and sought-after ingredients for digestive health.

  • Increases faecal bulk
  • A pre-biotic that causes favourable fermentation in the large bowel, and also results in change in bacterial populations
  • Fermented by good bacteria in large intestine, which produces energy and keeps the acid base balance in the best range for the intestine to work properly. Ferments at a slower pace than soluble fibre, so less likely to experience side-effects, such as gas
  • Supports the growth of good bacteria

LSA (Linseed-Sunflower-Almond)

  • Specially-formulated combination of linseed (flaxseed), sunflower seed, and almonds which is made into a ground meal using an air-cooled slow grinding process (so as not to destroy the grain)
  • Used to cleanse and help maximise liver function
  • Great source of essential vitamins and minerals, protein, fibre and, of course, omega 3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids
  • Helps keep blood sugar levels balanced and curb sugar cravings

Probiotics (lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium lactis)

  • ‘Good’ or helpful bacteria to keep your gut healthy with live organisms that may prevent and treat some illnesses
  • Promote a healthy digestive tract and immune system
  • Essential for healthy digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Improve recovery by increasing body’s absorption of antioxidants
  • Improve digestive efficiency ensuring maximum amount of nutrients are absorbed
  • Help to digest lactose


  • Sugar substitute that comes from a plant, with zero calories (200 times sweeter than sugar)
  • Used in South America for more than 1500 years
  • Blood sugar lower after eating a meal with stevia vs eating a meal with sugar
  • Lower insulin levels with stevia than sucrose (sugar) or aspartame (artificial sweetener)

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